Welcome to Social Media Monday! Each Monday for the next 4 weeks, we will discuss different topics related to making the most out of your social media platforms.
If you are looking to increase traffic, attract your target market and obtain long term followers this is the series for you!
There are so many tips and tricks when it comes to the effective use of social media but one of the best things you can do is ensure you post smart.
Here are 4 tips to ensure you are post savvy:
1) Include an image with every post.
This applies to all SM platforms. Including an image with your post will not only increase views but will increase shares/retweets by 150%. An image will captivate your audience and will make them stop and look. Studies have shown that posts with images receive 18% more clicks than those without.
2) Repeat your shares.
Often people think that each post needs to be brand new, big mistake. Don’t be afraid to share content more than once. Your followers are bombarded with information all day long on their feeds and often posts get missed. Switch it up and share again. You can increase views by 75% when you share something more than once.
3) Hit multiple time zones.
Make sure you have a good understanding of your target market and you know when your potential clients are checking their newsfeeds. This may mean taking several different time zones into consideration.
4) Be real.
As much as “fluff” posts will get you some hits, long term relationships are built when trust is established. Just because someone is visiting your page and liking your beautifully staged photo, it doesn’t mean they are actually considering hiring you or purchasing your product. Show some transparency; give insight on how your business operates and the mechanics behind the pretty pictures. Establishing this deeper connection is what you need to stand out and grab your market.

This post must have got a little while to write. Good stuff.